The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

This classic tale is about a boy who grew bored while watching the community sheep grazing on the hillside. To entertain himself, he yells, “Wolf! Wolf!” the villagers would come running to the top thinking a wolf is on the prowl for the sheep. The boy was amused when...
Shih Huang Ti : Pemikir Progresif

Shih Huang Ti : Pemikir Progresif

Kaisar Cina yang besar Shih Huang Ti dari tahun 238-210 SM menyatukan Cina dengan kekuatan senjata dan meletakkan dasar perombakan-perombakan. Perombakan ini merupakan faktor utama dalam penyatuan kultural Tiongkok hingga kini. Shih Huang Ti (juga terkenal dengan...
Dove and The Bee

Dove and The Bee

On the bank of a river there is a tree in which a swarm of bees installed their hive. They are busy humming flowers and collecting honey all day. One fine day, a bee feels thirsty and goes to the river to drink water. When the bee tries to drink, she is swept away by...