On the bank of a river there is a tree in which a swarm of bees installed their hive. They are busy humming flowers and collecting honey all day. One fine day, a bee feels thirsty and goes to the river to drink water. When the bee tries to drink, she is swept away by a surge of current. The bee begins to drown.

Fortunately, a beautiful pigeon, which she has been watching from afar, runs to the aid of the poor bee. She tears off a large leaf from a tree and flies to the bee. The dove puts the leaf next to the bee. The bee climbs onto the leaf and dries its wings. Finally, the bee finds the strength to fly to safety.

A few weeks later, the pigeon finds itself in a dangerous situation. As he sits on a tree branch, an archer takes aim at him. The dove looks for a way out, but sees a large hawk hovering around it.

Then her good deed comes back to her. The bee comes to her aid by stinging the archer hard. Till then the archer releases the arrow, which misses the dove and hits the hawk. The dove flies to safety.

Source : https://motivationrich.com/short-motivational-stories-for-students/