What Life Is All About

There was a girl who could do anything in the world she wanted.  All she had to do was choose something and focus.  So one day she sat down in front of a blank canvas and began to paint.  Every stroke was more perfect than the next, slowly and gracefully converging to...
When Our Stories Hold Us Back

When Our Stories Hold Us Back

She rarely makes eye contact. Instead, she looks down at the ground. Because the ground is safer. Because unlike people, it expects nothing in return. She doesn’t have to feel ashamed. The ground just accepts her for who she is. As she sits at the bar next to me, she...
Stop Keeping Score

Stop Keeping Score

Too many people try to numerically measure success. Most of these numbers relate to wealth, age, intelligence, and seniority. The problem with trying to numerically calculate success is that it doesn’t account for personal feelings, thoughts, and general happiness....

Knowledge is Boring! Keep Learning!

Let’s discuss the flipside of knowledge. Yes, knowledge is power, but it can also create absolute boredom. We’ve all heard the canned phrase “ignorance is bliss”, haven’t we? Sure, it can be interpreted as a negative statement, but if you think about it there are...
Setiap Kita adalah Unik

Setiap Kita adalah Unik

Setiap kita itu unik, tak ada satu orang pun yang mempunyai kesamaan dengan orang lain. Bahkan manusia kembar mempunyai perbedaan. Umumnya perbedaan ini yang membuat orang iri hati, padahal dengan perbedaan itu justru orang dapat saling memperkaya dan melengkapi....