by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Sep 28, 2023 | Nusahati
The story revolves around a young athletic boy who was hungry for success and measured his success only by winning. He participated in a running competition and won two races, feeling proud and important. He then pleaded for another race and was presented with two new...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Aug 24, 2023 | Nusahati
Comedian Carl Hurley tells the story about trying to throw a trash can away. He said think about it… it’s the one thing you can’t get the garbage man to pick up. He said I set my old rusty garbage can out at the street one morning thinking the garbage man would...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Jul 8, 2023 | Nusahati
Rosa Parks (1913 – 2005) was the classy woman who shook the world of racists when she refused to give up her seat to a white person on a bus as a result of segregation laws in the 1950s. This made her the first black women to argue in the name of her rights as a...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Jun 10, 2023 | Nusahati
Dashrath Manjhi was born in to the lowest rung of India’s caste system in Gehlaur village, India, and ended up working in coal mines. When he was an adult, his wife was injured and died because the nearest doctor was in a town 34 miles away. Because of this...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | May 13, 2023 | Nusahati
Introduction Nick Yarris is a professional speaker who campaigns against the death penalty around the world. His fervor for this topic stems from his own experience, which would likely strip the will to live out of just about every other person. Yarris’...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | May 6, 2023 | Nusahati
They huddled inside the storm door — two children in ragged outgrow coats. “Any old papers, lady?” I was busy. I wanted to say no — until I looked down at their feet. Thin little sandals, sopped with sleet. “Come in and I’ll make you a cup of hot cocoa.” There was no...