Burdens Give Us Wings

A long time ago God had a great many burdens that He wished to have carried from one place to another on Earth. He asked the animals to lend a hand but all of them had excuses for not helping; the elephant was too dignified; the lion, too proud; and so on. Finally the...

Semangat Yang Berbuah

1. Arthur Fry : Kisah Kertas “Post-It” Arthur Fry sering kehilangan catatan kerja. Pekerjaannya amat tidak teratur sehingga catatan yang di tulisnya sendiri tidak dapat diingat. Pada suatu hari dia mendapati bahwa perusahaan tempat kerjanya – 3M – telah...

Be a Person of Influence

Isabelle works as a receptionist for a small oilfield supply company in Houston. She is perfect for her job. She’s bright, personable, and among the most upbeat people you will ever know. Everyone at her office loves her. One day, Isabelle’s mother became ill so she...

Mereka Dengan Talentanya

Marilah kita bersyukur karena jika ada orang yang diberi talenta oleh Nya lebih dari kita, disamping kita dapat menikmati karya yang mereka buat jelaslah suatu prinsip mengatakan bahwa yang diberi akan dituntut lebih karena memang manusia dicipta tidak sama rata ,...