by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Jul 20, 2019 | Nusahati
“An old man lived in the village. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood. The longer he lived, the viler he became and more poisonous were his words. People did their best to avoid him because...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Jul 13, 2019 | Nusahati
A psychology professor entered the classroom with half a glass of water in his hand. The students expected the old common question “was it half empty or half full?” But to the surprise, he asked them “How heavy is this glass of water?” The answers given by the...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Jul 8, 2019 | Nusahati
A man and his donkey were on the way to grazing while the donkey fell into a huge pit. The man was shaken and tried hard to pull off his favorite donkey up to the ground. Despite his strenuous attempts, he failed to bring the donkey back. But he can’t leave the donkey...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Jun 29, 2019 | Nusahati
One day a man was passing by a garden when he saw a butterfly cocoon which was about to get open. He saw a small opening on it and watched the several hours of struggles the butterfly came through to get the body out of it. After many hours, it seemed that the...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Jun 27, 2019 | Nusahati
A marine biologist put a shark into a big tank at the time of a research experiment. Followed by that, he released some tiny bait fishes into it.As expected, the shark didn’t wait to attack those fishes and ate them. Later, a clear fiberglass was inserted into the...
by Taripar Doly, S.E., M.M. | Jun 19, 2019 | Nusahati
In a turn of events described as “miraculous,” an Ohio man helped the same stranger twice in the span of eight years, most recently in a potentially deadly situation last weekend. It was late Saturday night on a country road near Chagrin Falls, about 20...