Dear God, Although I often pray for Your will to be done, at times I’m fearful of what this may involve. I know that Your will sometimes includes pain. When I’m hurting — physically, emotionally, spiritually — I search for ways to relieve or escape my pain. This easily becomes my focus, as I obsess about how to solve my problems. Help me really believe that Your way is perfect.

This is a good request, but the answer will not be easy. It is natural that you want to minimize pain. However, natural responses are often not the best. In My Word I continually call you to transcendent living: going beyond what is natural to what is supernatural. My will is far deeper than your understanding. Though My ways may entail sacrifice and pain, I accomplish through them not just what is good for you — but what is best.

Beneath the surface of this life — completely beyond your awareness — there are countless interconnections of people and events. Things that appear senseless to you make perfect sense when you can view the total picture. Occasionally I may give My followers glimpses of the big picture, to strengthen and encourage them.

Generally, though, I call My people to live by faith, not by sight. Sometimes that will be frightening: like diving into water so deep that it seems bottomless. You need utter trust in Me to push through your fear into those unknown depths. After diving in, though, your buoyant body will gradually rise to the surface. You keep swimming till you’re exhausted. When you can go on no longer, you begin to sink. However, just before your head goes under, your feet touch something solid! You realize My hands are beneath your feet.

I am your Refuge and dwelling place; underneath are the everlasting arms.

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