An Unforgettable First Kiss

An Unforgettable First Kiss

My very first kiss… yes, I remember it well. She had been visiting my family this Sunday afternoon into the early evening. It was in the middle of winter and being in a northern state, it was very cold. Time finally came for her to return to her family a couple...
Keluarga Bahagia (Bagian IV)

Keluarga Bahagia (Bagian IV)

BAB III : URUTAN PENTING DALAM KELUARGA “Tetapi aku mau, supaya kamu mengetahui hal ini, yaitu Kepala dari tiap-tiap laki-laki ialah Kristus, kepala dari perempuan ialah laki-laki, dan Kepala dari Kristus ialah Allah….. Sebab laki-laki tidak berasal dari...
Suami dan Gadis Penggoda

Suami dan Gadis Penggoda

Seorang Suami (SS) dan Gadis Penggoda (GP) : mereka kenal di sebuah kantin komplex, perkantoran, setelah tukar nomor WhatsApp, esoknya si gadis mulai WhatsApp-an. GP : Mas hebat ya. Punya usaha sendiri, sukses pula (y) SS  : Terima kasih ya 🙂 Esoknya GP : menelpon SS,...
Moments In Life

Moments In Life

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one, which...