Reaction vs Response

Suddenly, a cockroach flew from somewhere and sat on her. I wondered if this was the cockroach’s response to all the glory that was spoken about it! She started screaming out of fear. With panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started doing jumping, with both...

Persahabatan Dan Janji

Ada yang berbeda saat proses pemakaman seorang tentara Inggris bernama Kevin Elliot dilaksanakan di taman pemakaman Barnhill Cemetery, Inggris. Hal berbeda itu terlihat saat salah satu pria datang memakai pakaian gaun super pendek berwarna mencolok serta kaos kaki...

The Orange Table Top

It was without a doubt the best sledding hill imaginable, incredibly steep at the top, a long steep run in the middle and a flat stretch at the bottom. And today, the conditions were perfect. From the windows of our Preteign Heights Public School classrooms we had...