Mountian Goats

Mountian Goats

One of the famous characteristics of goats is their irritability. I don’t know if it’s true of all goats, but it’s certainly true of mountain goats in the Rockies. These goats are so prickly that if they stay in close proximity they not only hurt each other, but have...
Saya Beruntung?

Saya Beruntung?

Invasi militer AS ke Afghanistan telah mengakibatkan ribuan pasukannya tewas dan mengalami cacat akibat peperangan. Hingga saat ini sebanyak 2.386 personel militer AS telah tewas dan 20. 049 pasukan lainnya terluka dan mengalami cacat . Salah satu yang mengalami cacat...
Perubahan Metode Penyusutan

Perubahan Metode Penyusutan

Beberapa hari yang lalu penulis mendapat pertanyaan tentang perubahan metode penyusutan untuk kepentingan perpajakan, dan saya cukup memahami bahwa penanya memerlukan jawaban yang lengkap yang di dasarkan  aturan-aturan yang berlaku yang menjadi acuan bagi...
The Trapper’s Dog

The Trapper’s Dog

There was once a widowed trapper who lived deep in the Alaskan wilderness with his 2 year old son. On one occasion their food supplies had run out and the trapper was forced to go and catch some more food. The weather outside was so fierce he reluctantly decided to...